The Amateur Radio Operators Reception, affectionately known as the HAM Reception, will be held on Wednesday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in Ballroom B of the Westgate (formerly the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino). The Reception is free of charge and open to all attendees of the 2016 NAB Show.

This year we’re giving away a DJI Phantom 3 Drone
The HAM reception is cosponsored by Broadcast Supply Worldwide, DX Engineering and Turner Engineering. Each year, it brings together amateur radio operators from around the world to enjoy the fellowship of the HAM community, and for the chance to win fantastic prizes.
This year, our generous donors have contributed over $13,000 in prizes. They include:
- DJI Phantom 3 Standard Quadcopter Drone with 2.7K HD Video Camera
- ICOM ID-51A Plus
- Yaesu FT-450D HF Transceiver w built-in Antenna Tuner
- Icom 7100 02 HF/6m/2m/70cm Mobile
Every attendee is eligible to win a door prize, and will receive a raffle ticket upon entry. We’d like to thank all of our donors for their generous contributions, and encourage anyone who would like to become a part of this tradition to contact Sharon Devine.
Have a look here for a full list of this years prizes.