CDN Offload via Hybrid Delivery over ATSC 3.0 for Video Streaming

Published On: April 3, 2024Categories: ,

One of the promises of ATSC 3.0 has been the potential for data offload. Separately, advances have been made in hybrid and IP channel rollouts on ATSC 3.0 over the last year. The two have been combined to architect and implement a data offload system. This paper explores a practical hybrid delivery model for streaming video services, allowing the distribution of video over CDNs and simultaneously over 3.0, drastically decreasing the bandwidth needs of these CDNs in 3.0 markets, all while integrating into third-party streaming apps to enable seamless streaming with no change to the viewer experience. Topics covered will include the methodology for synchronization, encoding needs for the CDN and airchain, signaling design, integration into a streaming application, and the results of the real-world testing of this system.

Liam Power | One Media Technologies | Hunt Valley, Md., United States


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