2016 Amateur Radio Operators Reception
The Amateur Radio Operators Reception, affectionately known as the HAM Reception, will be held on Wednesday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in Ballroom B of the Westgate (formerly the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino). The [...]
By PILOT|April 4, 2016|Blog, Radio|
The Amateur Radio Operators Reception, affectionately known as the HAM Reception, will be held on Wednesday, April 20 at 6 p.m. in Ballroom B of the Westgate (formerly the Las Vegas Hotel and Casino). The [...]
-- Lieutenant General Raymond Palumbo to Serve as Keynote -- Palumbo WASHINGTON, D.C.-- The Media Technologies for Military and Government Conference at the 2016 NAB Show this year will focus on the challenges faced by [...]
By PILOT|March 23, 2016|Completed Projects|
Completed Projects Single Frequency Network Analysis Verified that the HD Radio™ system will permit a smooth evolution from current analog Amplitude Modulation (AM) and Frequency Modulation (FM) radio to a fully digital In-Band On-Channel [...]
By PILOT|March 23, 2016|Webcasts|
NAB is excited about the release of new targeted resources to keep your facilities safe in a world of cyber attack. Our webcast, Broadcast Cybersecurity: The Essentials, provides you with practical, actionable information [...]
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) announced today the launch of the Digital Futures Exchange (DFX), a new NAB Show conference to be held on Sunday, April 17 at the 2016 NAB [...]
WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) will produce and host “Broadcast Cybersecurity: The Essentials,” a live webcast that examines the growing threat of cyberattacks and how broadcast stations can best implement cybersecurity [...]
By PILOT|January 14, 2016|Blog, Radio, Television|
The NAB Labs team was out in full force at this years CES to find the latest innovations applicable to the future of broadcasting. The following highlights some of the standout technology from the show. [...]
By PILOT|January 4, 2016|News|
-- Baltimore-based company provides cutting-edge platforms for multi-source data collection and analysis -- WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The National Association of Broadcasters (NAB) announced today that its technology division, NAB Labs, has invested in Yet Analytics, [...]
By PILOT|December 21, 2015|Blog, Television|
HEVC Advance, LLC, the second patent pool announced for the MPEG-H Part 2 High-Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC, also known as ITU H.265), had raised concerns among broadcasters and others in March 2015 when the [...]
By PILOT|December 21, 2015|Blog, Radio, Television|
Nomination Process Now Open for 2016 NAB Technology Awards Each year NAB honors several individuals and organizations who have made significant technological advances within the broadcasting industry. Recipients of these awards are chosen through a [...]