Next Generation TV Provides Expanded Emergency Alerting Possibilities
The role of TV broadcasters as first informers has never been as compelling as it is during these unprecedented times, highlighting how broadcasters are best positioned to assist local communities during times of crisis. This unprecedented health crisis affects broadcasters in every one of their many roles in their communities.
25th Anniversary of the Digital HDTV Grand Alliance System’s World Premiere
Glenn Reitmeier is known worldwide in the television technology community as an industry thought leader and a leading visionary, creator and architect of digital television (ATSC 1.0 and 3.0). April 10, 2020 marks the 25th anniversary of the Digital HDTV Grand Alliance system's world premiere at the 1995 NAB Show. To commemorate the [...]
The COVID-19 Era Demonstrates the Need for Next Gen TV Tools
New opportunities often arise from setbacks. As COVID-19 continues to disrupt our existing way of conducting business, new trends and habits in media consumption are taking root. The changes in behavior we are seeing now are likely to have a lasting impression on the media marketplace. Broadcasters have always served their communities during disasters, and [...]
No F2F for FCC in DC but NPRM on DTS (AKA SFN) is AOK for ATSC 3.0 IRL
On Tuesday, March 31, the FCC held their usual Open Commission Meeting as they do every month, where policy actions are considered and voted by the Commissioners. This one was anything but usual, however. In response to current health restrictions on public gatherings, it was conducted by audio conference call and there were no policy [...]
Broadcaster Creativity on Display for COVID-19 Coverage
The newscast must go on … but from a different place. I wish I knew the number of basements, closets and living rooms that have been converted to production studios these past few weeks. As orders were issued for folks to work-from-home, broadcasters opened their apartments and houses to viewers and listeners. Broadcasters have always [...]
Addressing Latency with Next Gen TV
We are in a world where people want their content anytime, anywhere, and on any device. Implementing such a strategy requires that we address the latency issue that plagues over the top (OTT) streaming services today. Fortunately for broadcasters, with the advent of ATSC 3.0, there are tools that could allow broadcasters to preposition content [...]