Fighting Misinformation with Authenticated C2PA Provenance Metadata

Published On: April 14, 2023Categories: ,

Over the last three years, teams from Microsoft, The New York Times, CBC/Radio-Canada and The BBC have come together as Project Origin. This group has participated as part of a wider community in the standardization of provenance signaling technologies to attach authenticated metadata to media content. The Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA) specification was the result of these collaborative efforts. This paper will outline the features of the C2PA specification, and the work being undertaken to add this functionality to existing media production workflows to add transparency and counter disinformation and malicious use of synthetic media.

Nigel Earnshaw | The British Broadcasting Corporation | London, United Kingdom
Jonathan Dupras | CBC/Radio-Canada | Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Bruce MacCormack | Neural Transform | Lunenburg, Nova Scotia, Canada


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